Hey people! 🙂
Welcome to the pool update for epoch 261. Let’s dive rigth in.
Cardano Node update
After 1.26.1 was released two weeks ago, the cardano network was going through a very rough epoch transition from epoch 259 to epoch 260 which caused the network to halt for nearly 30 minutes. It was investigated by IOHK and they identified that the issue was a wrongly timed calculation of the stake distribution. They fixed the issue, tested the code within a few days and released the cardano-node version 1.26.2 to prevent this from happening again. All SPOs were encouraged to update as soon as possible, preferably before the next epoch transition and so we did. All FAIR nodes were updated before epoch 261 and we did not encounter any issues during the transition. Thanks to development team for the quick response and the fast provision of a new version.
Cardano Africa Special

For quite some time now we have been hearing birds singing and now the time has come. The Cardano Africa Special Show has been announced. Register immediately to not miss any news and be there on 29 April 2021, 16:30 UTC! I am very excited. See you there! 😉
Performance for 259
Leader | Ideal | Luck | Adopted | Confirmed | Missed | Ghosted | Stolen | Invalid |
57 | 58.17 | 97.99% | 55 | 55 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 |
In epoch 259 we were assigned 57 blocks of which we produced all 57 but only 55 were adopted due to 1 ghosted and 1 stolen block. Please refer to the older pool updates if you do not know what ghosted and stolen means. I’m currently working on an overview / faq page which I can refer you to in the future. The ROS for this epoch was 4.865%.
Performance for 260
Leader | Ideal | Luck | Adopted | Confirmed | Missed | Ghosted | Stolen | Invalid |
66 | 58.39 | 113.03% | 65 | 65 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
The performance for epoch 260 was quite good with 66 leader slots and 65 adopted blocks. We lost only 1 block due to a slot battle which is good for this amount of blocks. The estimated ROS for this epoch is ~5.8%.
Assigned Slots for 261
Leader | Ideal | Luck | Adopted | Confirmed | Missed | Ghosted | Stolen | Invalid |
72 | 58.63 | 122.8% | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Epoch 261 looks also very good for us with 72 assigned slots and a maximum performance of 122.8%. As in the last epochs we need to calculate with a few lost blocks due to slot or height battles. Nevertheless, we will see an overperformance and good rewards for this epoch.
Thats it for today! Talk to you soon 🙂