[Pool Update] Epoch 253

Hey people,

Welcome to the pool update epoch 253. First of all, I would like to warmly welcome all the new delegators and directly refer to the Cardano Reward Schedule. In the graphical representation of the delegation cycle you can on the one hand better understand the delegation process and on the other hand you can easily find out when you get rewards for which epoch etc. via the corresponding table.

Extended UTXO (EUTXO)

Let’s start with a more technical article about the accounting model used in Cardano called Extended Unspent Transaction Output or EUTXO. UTXO itself is a known accounting model used by Bitcoin but it needs to be extended to suit the needs of a third generation blockchain especially for smart contracts. To get a more detailed overview read the following blog article by IOHK: Cardano’s Extended UTXO accounting model – built to support multi-assets and smart contracts

If you prefer to listen to it, you can do so on Soundcloud:

If you are even interested in more details read their scientific paper about the extended UTXO Model: The Extended UTXO Model

Cardano Protocol Parameters

To complement the blog post about d and k in the pool update epoch 252 (be sure to check out the post about it if you haven’t already), Charles followed up with a video in which he talks about the Cardano protocol parameters.

Performance for 252

| Leader | Ideal | Luck    | Adopted | Confirmed | Missed | Ghosted | Stolen | Invalid |
| 42     | 38.6  | 108.81% | 41      | 41        | 0      | 0       | 1      | 0       |

As we can see epoch 252 was a rather good one for us. We were assigned 42 slots in total and we produced all 42 blocks, which results in a assigned performance of 100%. Unfortunately we also had one slot battle which we lost. I explained it many times before but its worth noting nevertheless: There is nothing you can do to win a slot battle. It is decided randomly. The more blocks a pool produces, the more often a slot battle occurs.

Assigned Slots for 253

| Leader | Ideal | Luck    | Adopted | Confirmed | Missed | Ghosted | Stolen | Invalid |
| 48     | 40.12 | 119.64% | 0       | 0         | 0      | 0       | 0      | 0       |

In Epoch 253 we are looking for 48 leader slots. Which means ~120% luck for this epoch. Looking forward to produce those blocks but I expect that there will probably be a slot battle again in this era.

I highly encourage you to join the FAIR Pool telegram group as I can quickly and easily answer all kinds of questions there: https://t.me/fair_pool01
But you can also always leave me a message on twitter or via e-mail which are both linked at the bottom of the page.

That’s all I have for you today, talk to you soon! 🙂