[Pool Update] Epoch 266 & 267

Hey people!

Combined Pool Update for 266 and 267 containing many tables this time πŸ˜€

Some Software Updates

Cardano-node version 1.27.0 was released recently: https://github.com/input-output-hk/cardano-node/releases/tag/1.27.0

Rest assured that we already updated all of our relays and producers without any downtime or issues. We are up to date and ready to produce.

Cardano360 May edition – monthly Cardano update!

It’s time again. Put it in your calendar and don’t miss it! New edition of monthly Cardano show: 27 May, 16:30 UTC on Youtube.

New IOHK Blog posts

I’ll leave you the links to the most recent IOHK blog posts which were released since the last pool update right here:

Strategic partners pave way for Plutus smart contracts

Announcing new stake pools chosen for our delegation strategy

IOHK also moved their delegations to support a new round of SPOs. Congratulations to the chosen ones πŸ™‚

Bringing ERC20 to Cardano

I know all of you love the ERC20 Converter, and it’s coming soon to a testnet near you! πŸ˜‰

Performance for 264

5657.192.82 %53530030

Assigned slots for 264 were already a bit on the low side but in addition we got unlucky and lost three blocks due to slot battles. Overall not a good epoch with ~93% luck and a ROA of around 4.7%.

Performance for 265

5359.0586.37 %51510020

Epoch 265 was even worse. Only 53 slots assigned and two slots lost due to slot battles. Well, this leaves us at ~86% luck and a ROA of around 4.3%.

Performance for 266

6559.13104.85 %62620030

Epoch 266 was quite good with 65 assigned slots. We produced all 65 slots but only 62 were adopted due to three lost blocks due to slot battles. Nevertheless, this epoch ends with ~105% luck and an estimated ROA of 5.3%.

Assigned Slots for 267


In epoch 267 we are looking for 64 slots which is an assigned luck of ~109%. Let’s see how it will play out πŸ™‚

That’s all for now. Talk to you soon! πŸ™‚