Updates are currently released a bit more irregularly than usual, but still contain all the important performance data of the pool as usual. So let’s see what we have.
As usual there are unfortunately quite some ghosted and stolen blocks. We already improved our infrastructure to keep propagation times and therefore ghosted blocks as low as possible but we are still dependent on other pools infrastructure and some pool operators just don’t really care enough even though they are hurting the network with it. Let’s see which protocol changes we will see in the near future and what effect they will have.
That’s all I have for you today. Talk to you soon! 🙂
Long time no see. I was on vacation and took a break from the digital world. I think it’s always good to distance yourself from the things you deal with every day and take some time out to clear your mind. It is remarkable how new impressions, nature and exciting experiences can stimulate you and how much energy can be gained from them.
But let’s go back to topic: Although I was not active the pool was monitored at all times and there were no problems.
Maintenance & Pool Upgrades
As announced in the last Pool Update several parts of the Pools infrastructure were upgraded:
There are now four relays spread across different countries to provide good interconnection within the network as well as resilience in case of disaster.
The main block producer as well as the backup block producer were upgraded to more powerful servers.
The high availibility solution including the automatic failover was tested and the system works as intended.
The Monitoring solution was moved to a fully managed system to reduce maintenance effort for that part of the infrastructure
Existing alerts were adjusted and the incident response system was improved.
Nothing special occurring during the shown epochs. Some were luckier, some were a little less lucky. Overall everything is in the expected range and we only see the usual ghosted and stolen blocks due to slot and height battles.
That’s all I have for you today. Talk to you soon! 🙂
First of all I want to thank each and everyone one of you for returning after the Sundae RISO or staying with me in the first place! We saw a quite big hit in stake after the ISO but quickly recovered afterwards. I really appreciate that.
SundaeSwap ISO and RISO
SundaeSwap ISO and RISO are over and it is possible to claim your ISO rewards via https://dripdropz.io/ now. Claiming your ISO rewards via DripDropz will come with a small fee of around ~1.6 ADA (plus ~0.18 ADA TX Fee). If you want to avoid this ~1.6 ADA fee you can wait for SundaeSwap to implement their own claiming solution which should not come with this fee. If you participated in the RISO your rewards are not claimable via DripDropz, you’ll need to wait for the SundaeSwap claiming solution. I’ll let you know if I have any more information about this. Don’t worry the rewards will be claimable for at least one year (so something around Q1/2023).
Cardano Submit-API and FreeLoaderz.io
As many Wallets already offer the option to use a custom submit endpoint for transactions instead of using their endpoints, I setup a Submit Endpoint for you:
That endpoint uses an infrastructure of dedicated distribution relays connected to many peers inside the Cardano network to get your transactions onto the chain. The performance should be significantly better than the public options during high congestion times (e.g. highly anticipated NFT drops) as there are likely less users on this submit endpoint than on the endpoints of the wallet providers. If you need any help setting your wallet don’t hesitate to contact me.
I also joined https://www.freeloaderz.io/ a coalition of Cardano Stake Pools offering access to their submit APIs to help improve transaction speeds and spread the load among the network. Several submit APIs are sitting behind an HAProxy load balancer that you can also use to submit your transactions depending on your location:
During the next few weeks I’ll upgrade several parts of the pools infrastructure. If you are subscribed to any notification bots you may see alerts about some relays being occasionally down. I assure you that there is enough redundancy in place that there will be no influence on the block production of the pool whatsoever.
The goal of these upgrades is to make the pool more future proof and have enough spare resources in place. I will also add a fourth relay and spread out the relays to even more different countries to be prepared for any eventuality and to be well interconnected within the network.
Looking at the past epochs we saw a great performance during the 323 – 325 with each over 110% confirmed luck. 322 could have been a good one too but unfortunately we saw 5 ghosted blocks due to nearby other slots. 326 will end as a rather unlucky one as we were assigned only 41 slots which is way under the expected 49 slots.
That’s all I have for you today. Talk to you soon! 🙂
The price goes on a roller coaster ride but regardless of that the development on Cardano always continues. There are some exciting developments and below you will find the latest information and a small FAQ about the SundaeSwap ISO.
SundaeSwap ISO
SundaeSwap FAQ
When does the ISO start? The ISO starts together with the DEX. There is no date announced yet.
To which pool do I need to delegate to receive Sundae tokens? 30 SPOs were chosen by the community. All pools of the chosen SPOs are eligible for Sundae rewards. Here are the official voting results. And here is the unofficial list with all participating pools. An official list with all Pools/Tickers will be made available before the ISO starts.
Can I already delegate now? Yes you can but you will only receive ADA rewards until the ISO starts. When the ISO starts you will receive Sundae on top of your regular ADA rewards. There will be sufficient time before the ISO to redelegate if you do not want to change right now.
Do I need a special Wallet for participating in the ISO? No you can use any wallet that allows staking to one of the ISO pools.
How long does the ISO last? Five Epochs / 25 Days.
Do I need to stay the whole time? No you can also partially participate and will receive the rewards for every full epoch you delegated to an ISO pool during the ISO.
How much Sundae will I get? 5% of all Sundae tokens will be issued. So 1% will be distributed per ISO Epoch to all delegators who have staked their ADA in an ISO pool. The rewards are proportional to your stake but not linear. The exact calculations will be released after the ISO to prevent people from gaming the system.
How do I receive the SundaeSwap tokens after the ISO? You will need to claim them with a dApp enabled Wallet. They won’t be airdropped to your wallet. There will be plenty of time to claim them. Most likely one year.
What other ways are there to get Sundae Tokens? So far there are 3 announced ways to get the token:
Swapping either on our protocol or some other exchange
Providing liquidity to the protocol
Providing liquidity will likely generate the greatest rewards.
What will the starting price be of the SundaeSwap token? The initial price of the token is not determined yet. SundaeSwap will not be setting the price.
SundaeSwap Public Testnet
The SundaeSwap Public Testnet will launch on the evening (EST) of Sunday, December 5th. This is an excellent chance to play around with the DEX in a risk free environment and test out the features before the mainnet launch. Read this article to get all the latest information: Let’s Sample Some Flavors: SundaeSwap Testnet Announcement!
Important: This is a testnet. There will be bugs. It won’t be a perfect product. High volume and congestion is expected on the testnet. All of this is intended, this is what a testnet is for. It serves to improve the product, so we will not experience these problems in the mainnet.
Also take a look at this video where Pi (Sundaeswap Labs Chief Information Officer) talks about the ISO and the approaching launch, the team’s open-source philosophy and their plans for the future.
Epoch 303 was rather unlucky with only 42 assigned slots. We in addition lost 3 blocks due to slot battles and missed to produce one block. We never missed a block before during a regular epoch. Sometimes a pool randomly misses a slot leader check which in very rare cases (if exactly this slot is assigned to the pool) leads to a missed block. However to mitigate this issue I again upgraded the block producing nodes to more powerful machines that far exceed the requirements. I’m confident that we won’t see any more missed blocks in the future.
Epoch 304 was a lucky one with 54 assigned slots. We produced all 54 but lost 3 due to slot battles. That leaves us with around 111.31% confirmed luck.
Epoch 305 was on point with ~100% confirmed luck. We were assigned 62 slots, produced all 62 but again lost 3 due to slot battles.
In Epoch 306 we are looking for 57 leader slots which means 103.62% luck. Some blocks may be lost due to slot or height battles again which will reduce our confirmed luck. But we’ll say how the epoch will play out.
Please let me know if you have any questions or just want a chat. All the contact options are in the footer below.
That’s all I have for you today. Talk to you soon 🙂
Most of you will have noticed: We have applied for the SundaeSwap Staking Pool Operator Voting. It’s only because of you that we were able to compete against big pool farms and influencers and make it into the top 30 (official voting results). Huge thanks to every single person who voted. I appreciate each and every one of you and would like to thank you again for your continuous support.
Many will be interested in what this means now and what the next steps are. Currently we are waiting for the release of the exact ISO period. During these 5 epochs, you will earn Sundae Rewards in addition to your ADA Rewards. However, your Sundae rewards will not magically appear in your wallets like your ADA Rewards, but will need to be claimed. The claiming process will probably be done via a dApp. I will announce the exact procedure as soon as I know more about it. One thing is for sure: You will have enough time to claim the rewards and don’t have to hurry. But for now you do not have to do anything.
If you have any questions regarding the SundaeSwap ISO don’t hesitate to join our Telegram or write me personally.
Let’s have a brief look at the past epochs. 300 and 301 were pretty good epochs, both with around 100% confirmed luck. In Epoch 301 we can see one missed block. This happened due to bad luck as we were assigned a slot very early in the epoch (to be exact slot 44668860, which is slot 60 of the epoch, so 60 seconds after epoch change). At the beginning of each epoch there is currently a situation where due to calculations the network is not producing and distributing any blocks for a few minutes. So if you are assigned a slot during this time it is most likely lost/missed although the pool was running perfectly fine. Unfortunately, this is something I can not influence. The resources of the pool were not exhausted at any time. We have to hope that this long known problem will be fixed in the future and that we will not be allocated more slots early in the epoch.
Epoch 302 was a bit unlucky again. 98.9% assigned luck looked quite good but we have lost three blocks. One due to a slot battle and two blocks were ghosted. Both things we can’t really influence.
Finally Epoch 303: again rather unlucky. Only 42 assigned slots out of 45.55 expected slots. It is very likely that we’ll lose additional blocks due to slot battles or ghosting. Hope it plays out nicely. Looking at our Lifetime Luck we are still below 100% even though we never missed to produce an assigned slot. Future epochs should level out the more unluckier ones though to get us to 100% again.
If you have any questions, please contact me. I would really appreciate if you follow me on Twitter or join the Telegram group to always stay up to date.
That’s all for today! Thanks for stopping by and talk to you soon 🙂
Financial freedom also means taking responsibility for the safety of your own money. I therefore urge everyone to read the following security advice carefully: Cardano Stay Safe Content
No one will ever send you free ADA. It is always a SCAM. Please stay away from it or you will lose your money.
Alonzo Hard Fork
The Alonzo Hard Fork took place September 12th and thanks to the Cardano Hardfork Combinator everything went flawless and with no downtime of the network. It’s great to finally see smart contracts running on Cardano and the next months with the launch of many new and interesting projects will be a very special time.
The Cardano Summit 2021 is over and it was a truly special event. Many great speakers presented many great topics and we also saw some really promising announcements which will help to further develop our ecosystem.
With this pool update I would like to introduce a new format for performance and assigned slots. From now on the epochs will no longer be listed individually but together in one table. This provides more clarity and a better readability. Let’s also briefly introduce what each column means:
Epoch: The five day time frame for which this row shows the statistics
Leader: How many leader slots where assigned to the pool
Ideal: The statistically calculated optimal number of slots for the corresponding stake of this epoch
Luck: The percentage of assigned slots (leader slots) to the statistically ideal number of assigned slots
Confirmed Luck: The percentage of produced and confirmed slots to the statistically ideal number of assigned slots
Produced: The number of produced blocks
Confirmed: The number of blocks that where produced and accepted by the chain
Missed: The number of slots which were missed to be produced in time
Ghosted: The number of blocks rejected/discarded due to time delay of other blocks
Stolen: The number of blocks that were lost to other pools due to slots battles
Invalid: The number of blocks that were invalid (various reasons)
If we take a look at the past epochs (289-292) we ca see that we consistently produced blocks for all assigned slots. We were unfortunately quite unlucky in the assignment of slots. There is nothing pools can do to influence their luck as it is partly determined by randomness. Over time unluckier epochs will level out with more luckier ones. We also lost some blocks due to slot battles which are also determined by luck and therefore can not be influenced. There were also a few ghosted blocks, which I talked about in earlier pool updates (you will find it via the search function).
I am looking forward to those luckier epochs. If you have any questions just contact me via any of the contact options at the bottom.
This is it for now. Let’s see you all in the Alonzo Era! Talk to you soon 🙂
Financial freedom also means taking responsibility for the safety of your own money. I therefore urge everyone to read the following security advice carefully: Cardano Stay Safe Content
No one will ever send you free ADA. It is always a SCAM. Please stay away from it or you will lose your money.
With that said, let’s take a look at the newest IOHK blog posts.
We have a date for the Cardano Summit: 25th and 26th of September! The Cardano Summit 2021 will be held as a mix of virtual and live events from around the world over two days. Everyone is invited and it’s free, so make sure to register now to stay up to date: https://summit.cardano.org/
Performance for 282
Epoch 282 was good for us. We produced all 61 assigned blocks, but only 59 made it to the chain as two were lost due to slot battles. But overall we do end up with around ~110% luck.
Performance for 283
Epoch 283 was spot on. With 55 produced and 54 adopted blocks we landed right at the 100% luck.
Performance for 284
Epoch 284 ended with a slight underperformance. We produced all 53 assigned blocks. One was stolen in a slot battle, which means 52 blocks actually made it to the chain. This leaves is with around 95% luck.
Assigned Slots for 285
Epoch 285 is looking really sweet for us. We were assigned 69 leader slots, which means around 123% luck. This should end up in an excellent epoch for us. Let’s see how it plays out.
This epoch looked very good for us. We were assigned 66 blocks, produced all of them and 65 made it to the chain. Only one was stolen due to an inevitable slot battle. Overall this leaves us with ~117% luck for this epoch.
Performance for 277
Epoch 277 was also fine for us with ~104% luck and 54 adopted blocks.
Performance for 278
In Epoch 278 we were assigned 51 blocks, produced all 51 but lost two blocks due to slot battles. We ended up with a slight underperformance of ~98%.
Assigned Slots for 279
We are looking for 44 assigned blocks in epoch 279, which is unfortunately below the 45.99 estimated blocks. Let’s hope that we will be spared from slot battles.
That’s it for now. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact me any time. Talk to you soon! 🙂
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